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October 10, 2024
Dying jobs - will AI shape the future of employment?
Due to the rapid development of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), jobs are swiftly disappearing. Over the last few years, some traditional jobs have gone for good. Supermarket cashiers have already been replaced by self-service checkouts, while many assembly line workers have been replaced by cheaper, more efficient, automated machinery. But some jobs will continue to remain essential
15 year-old Anastasia Kulikova on the phenomenon of ‘dying jobs’ in the age of tech advancement
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August 08, 2024
Capitalism and football – How Gen Z could influence high value deals
With a growing emphasis on environmental awareness and eco-friendly practices, we may see clubs align with sponsors focusing on green initiatives, reflecting the socially responsible spirit of modern sports
17 year-old Elias Malmqvist on how clubs and companies go hand-in-hand when it comes to business, and how youngsters can get involved
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August 08, 2024
Should poaching and hunting be illegal?
Hunting is one of the oldest causes of animal extinction and endangerment. The problem is that prohibition could be financially disadvantageous – because many countries rely on the tourism and fashion industries, in which animals play an important part
15 year-old Lisindi Liyanage from Sri Lanka examines the morality and necessity of killing animals
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August 06, 2024
The rise of female entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan
The rise of female entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan marks an important change in the country’s development. As these women continue to break barriers and redefine societal roles, they create a legacy of empowerment and growth
18 year-old Kasiet Dzholdoshbekova showcases stories of the dynamic women powering a new world in the heart of Bishkek
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June 20, 2024
Decoding ‘Bidenomics’ and its role in the US election
With the US election looming in November, economic policies are taking centre stage in re-election campaign bids. ‘Bidenomics’ is both a source of fiery criticism and fervent support for the president, but what does it actually mean for Americans?
16 year-old Camilla Savelieva explains the intricacies of President Biden’s economic policies
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May 30, 2024
What does the looming TikTok ban mean for smaller business?
Almost 40% of small or midsized businesses say they rely on TikTok in order to be able to keep running. A ban could put a huge number of businesses at risk and threaten thousands of jobs
16 year-old Noah Saphier reports on the possible economic consequences of a TikTok ban in the US
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May 16, 2024
Explainer: What is the blue economy?
As sustainability becomes significantly more prevalent in government policy, a goal for corporations, and a focus of social activism, the blue economy has the potential to shape millions of lives
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska explains the blue economy and its impact on youth employment
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May 16, 2024
Energy in crisis: why nuclear power could be our future
Since the Industrial Revolution, one primary question has been central to all of humanity’s technological advancements: how do we generate enough energy? Historically, energy was generated with the easiest, cheapest, and most accessible fuel source: coal. However, the dangers of fossil fuels mean that we must find an alternative to ensure Earth continues to be habitable
18 year-old Erin Walshaw investigates our most controversial power supply
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May 09, 2024
The meteoric rise and fall of FTX and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried
The cryptocurrency tycoon was accused of stealing billions of dollars from his customers. The trial of the disgraced CEO has now come to an end, bringing to light the murky details of FTX’s collapse and its consequences
16 year-old Camilla Savelieva chronicles FTX’s collapse and explains its impact on the cryptocurrency world
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May 02, 2024
A novel approach to affordable housing – Habitat for Humanity’s $1 acquisition
As Gen Z enters the job and housing markets, the need for innovative solutions to the housing crisis has become even more critical. Working closely with volunteers, donors, and partner families, Habitat for Humanity is providing a needed solution
17 year-old Abigail Gonzalez Zavala sheds light on a new solution to her state’s housing crisis
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April 25, 2024
How a fire helmet company is revolutionizing workplace inclusion
Phenix’s program, Opportunity for All, is dedicated to improving the employment rate of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) via an innovative education and working program. But it is also a smart business move
17 year-old Inika Singh interviews program administrator Bailey Comstock on how the California firm is helping those with intellectual disabilities
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March 22, 2024
Why are we resistant to traditional offices, and how can we repurpose vacant spaces?
I think my generation is so accustomed to online schooling that we can’t imagine ourselves working from an office. With both a climate and global housing crisis, we could repurpose these spaces to provide a much needed solution
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska on a work-from-home culture and reusing empty offices
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March 15, 2024
We’re not ‘lazy’, technology has simply made jobs easier and more profitable
“Lazy,” “entitled,” “careless” and “lacklustre” are just some of the words used to describe my generation. But is Gen Z deserving of such names or are these just amplified misconceptions?
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev on corporate rejection amid the changing workplace
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March 15, 2024
Interning amongst disenchanted workers, I realised the reality of social mobility in Singapore
With a stable political environment to attract a large share of foreign direct investments, Singapore is no doubt an economic powerhouse. Yet it withheld a more ghastly truth – a vast cityscape of inequality and an overworked population
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang examines the dreams of young Singaporeans
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March 08, 2024
Lib Dems pledge youth-focused agenda: Exclusive interview with Sir Ed Davey
Ahead of the next UK general election, the Liberal Democrat leader promises to continue “knocking on the doors of young people” to listen to their concerns
16 year-old Jefferson He interviews Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey on youth-centric issues
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March 08, 2024
How many water bottles is too many? The state of overconsumption in America
Stanley Cups recently saw an astronomical increase in sales coupled with a social media craze. Companies continue to capitalize on the fear of missing out and influencer-led marketing campaigns
17 year-old Christian Yeung speaks with economy expert Brianne Foley
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February 16, 2024
Oligopolies on the vaccine market hindered saving lives - should Pfizer have profited?
With the UK’s ongoing Covid inquiry, in which an independent organisation is examining the British government's response to the pandemic, it is worth asking – should this essential drug have ever been for-profit?
16 year-old Ananya Prasanna examines the profit incentives driving pharmaceutical advancement
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February 09, 2024
How can banks attract young customers? Understanding Gen Z's preferences
Student debt, AI improvements, and data privacy. In order to target a Gen Z demographic, banks must listen and adapt their engagement strategies
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska investigates young people’s priorities with banking
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February 09, 2024
With £28bn ‘green investment’ pledge gone, what Labour’s government will mean for the UK economy
Ahead of the upcoming general election Labour has unveiled a “Five Point Plan for Growth” to promote economic prosperity in all parts of the country. Harbinger’s takes a closer look at each pledge
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev analyses the economic implications of a Labour government
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February 02, 2024
‘The south is being left behind’. UNCTAD summit raises concerns over the current international order
With the largest grouping of the global south, the G77 January summit aimed to address the growing gap leaving developing countries behind amidst climate, humanitarian and economic concerns
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova reports on the ‘cascading crisis’ in the global South
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January 26, 2024
The rise of careless consumerism among young people
Rapid consumerism fueled by short trend cycles are promoting an unsustainable mindset among the young that clothes are temporary and easily replaceable, ignoring the environmental crisis
17 year-old Shriya Kalluri explores the link between social media and fast-fashion
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January 26, 2024
How higher education consulting agencies have a stronghold on college admissions
Getting into a top university is getting astronomically more competitive. With more students turning to college admission consultants for an increased chance of being admitted, the playing field is far from even
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang on the US university admissions system
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January 12, 2024
Major economies tackling the housing crisis: Implications for the youth
The major economies, like the US, China, and the UK, aim to address the housing crisis amid growing concerns about widening affordability gaps. This article will explore how the situation will impact the younger generation who are at greatest risk
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev on the global economic outlook
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December 22, 2023
Election outcomes bring optimism into the Polish stock market, experts report
Economist Katarzyna Polanska speaks with Harbingers about the historic stock market upturn and the projections fueling optimism for Poland’s economic landscape
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska reports on the the strengthening of the Polish zloty
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December 08, 2023
Vancouver's New Leaf Project: Providing direct cash assistance to homeless individuals
The initiative aimed to increase the financial stability of those unhoused has far surpassed its expectations. Those who received funds not only became more food secure but also found stable housing much faster, taking three months as opposed to five
17 year-old Erin Walshaw on the promising results to ease homelessness
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December 08, 2023
Fast fashion’s ugly secret. Numerous brands in legal trouble over intellectual property theft
The fast fashion industry has long been infamous for its exploitation of vulnerable labourers, waste production, and environmental degradation. More recently, however, intellectual property scandals have also mounted against some notable fashion corporations
16 year-old Tanya Chi reports on independent designers’ accusations
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December 01, 2023
Autumn Statement 2023: Four key takeaways for the UK economy
UK Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, delivered economic plans in his Autumn Statement budget for the following years ahead. This article will provide an explainer on the key takeaways
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev explores the economic implications from this years report
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December 01, 2023
How social media influencers reshaped the global marketing landscape
Social media influencers have become crucial drivers of the economy, and their contribution to the global market cannot be ignored. With the rise of social media, e-commerce has taken on a whole new level of significance
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska on the rising value of e-commerce
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November 24, 2023
How Claudia Goldin inspires me by shattering barriers in the male-dominated realm of economics
Goldin presented a previously unheard-of hypothesis arguing that access to the contraceptive pill played a vital role in accelerating the revolutionary increase in female workforce participation, doubling in size between 1960 and 1980
18-year-old Nadia Diakowska on the inspiration from this year’s Nobel Prize winner in Economics
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November 10, 2023
Is Hollywood saved now the writers’ strike has ended?
Strikes of actors and writers have cost the industry over $6 billion. After all the developments, many teenagers who dream of putting their stories on the big screens began to wonder: is entering the writing industry a good choice?
17 year-old Anatolii Mishustin explores the aftermath of the writer’s strike
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November 10, 2023
Unwritten Dreams. Do I stand a chance to break the generational wealth gap and live the American Dream?
Carved from my parents’ sacrifices, their hopes for a brighter future, and their resilience in the face of adversity, I was grappling with the complexities of “The American Dream” as I questioned whether it truly aligned with the narrative I was enveloped in
17 year-old Abigail Gonzalez Zavala analyzes her chances to make it in 21st century United States
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November 03, 2023
The economics behind the UK’s planned ‘crackdown’ on vaping
The number of children using vapes in the past three years has tripled prompting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to promise action against vaping, which is to create the first ever ‘smoke-free generation’ in the UK by 2030
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev analyses economic implications of legal suppression of the vaping industry
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October 27, 2023
How will the UK’s ageing population affect our wallets?
The ageing population will likely result in the decline of the UK’s active labour force. This will put greater pressure on the future working population - including today’s teenagers - to deliver the funds necessary for the public sector
17 year-old David Otegbola on the economic future of young people
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October 27, 2023
Market economy and school choice improve academic outcomes, so why don’t we learn from science?
Academic variation driven by wealth and access inequalities shapes the present of today’s students. The income gap between lower and upper-class families is one of the greatest predictors of academic outcomes
17 year-old Grace Minakowski was the runner-up for the Harbinger Prize in Economics
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October 27, 2023
Will Sunak’s fight against a strained economy win over young people?
Despite an “alarming” unpopularity among young people, Sunak has tried to uphold his economic promises with the hope of influencing voters by alleviating economic burdens to improve the quality of life
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev breaks down the economic policies ahead of UK elections
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October 20, 2023
‘Deranged cultural standards’ - How Sri Lanka’s misogyny is impeding its economic recovery
McKinsey Global Institute estimates that advancing gender equality in Sri Lanka could add $64 billion to its GDP by 2025
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska analyses a negative feedback loop between inequality and poverty
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October 06, 2023
‘It’s like an addiction’ — American teenagers fall victim to online sports gambling apps
Whether through indirect or direct means, teenagers are being influenced to pursue online sports gambling. The rapidly growing industry is preying on those with underdeveloped minds, increasing profits to the detriment of future generations
17 year-old Arham Shah wins the Harbinger Prize in Economics
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September 01, 2023
Understanding Poland’s economic transformation would enable Sri Lanka to learn from Warsaw’s errors
Many experts fear that in light of the recent economic crisis, the Lankan government’s sole focus will be debt disposal, hence the introduction of reforms may occur in a haphazard way, jeopardising the country’s security
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska speaks with economic experts Marcin Zielinski, Professor Adam Bodnar, and Filip Konopczyński
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August 25, 2023
How the UK Cost of Living Crisis is affecting migrants
Since 2021, the economic situation in the UK has started to worsen, and this has affected many people, both citizens and non-citizens. However, while the government is providing some support to British citizens, migrants are being overlooked
17 year-old Jakub Hejka interviews Polish migrants on the Immigration Health Surcharge
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August 12, 2023
Sri Lanka’s restructure of State-Owned Enterprises may pose a threat to the safety of the country
Following the 2022 bankruptcy, the Sri Lankan government has been implementing tough reforms to improve the economy. It appears as though the government is too focused on paying off debts to acknowledge the possibility of compromising safety
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska outlines deficiencies in the government’s decision-making
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August 10, 2023
Volatility of Sri Lanka Rupee signals the economic crisis is not over for recently bankrupt country
In July, the LKR lost 6% of its value against the USD, and was the worst-performing currency in South-East Asia. The decline of LKR suggests that the economic crisis in the country that went bankrupt in 2022, is far from over
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska reports on the current economic situation in Sri Lanka
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July 21, 2023
Actors joined striking writers to save Hollywood as we know it
With actors’ walk-outs – including at the notable premiere of Oppenheimer in London, where Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, and Florence Pugh all left the theatre – and arrested productions, the entertainment industry is suffering colossal stock price losses
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko reports on the ongoing strike
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July 14, 2023
'Barbenheimer': is this the most important box office battle in a decade
Barbie is winning, and it is hardly surprising. After all, one film is about dealing with mortality, the sense of self purpose, and challenging American elites, and the other one is a historical thriller titled Oppenheimer
17 year-old Anatolii Mishustin on ‘counterprogramming’ movie marketing
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July 07, 2023
Turkey’s economy: Could the re-election of Erdogan pose a threat?
Despite actions made for economic recovery, there are 4 reasons explaining why the prosperity of Turkey’s economy may be under threat
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev analyses the election repercussions
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June 23, 2023
7 ways AI could benefit healthcare
The development of AI leads to lots of new and exciting possibilities of its applications in the modern world, including within healthcare. This article will outline 7 ways in which AI can benefit healthcare and the challenges associated with adopting it
18 year-old Grace Whitehouse outlines the practical uses of the technology
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June 16, 2023
COP28: Controversies surrounding the first ever global environmental stocktake
Months before the COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, the United Nations climate summit’s president is facing severe backlash over his background in the fossil fuel industry
17 year-old Anatolii Mishustin reviews expert concerns
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June 02, 2023
Maintain or abolish the Monarchy? The impact of the Royal Family on the economy
Debates over the continuation of the Royal Family have reawakened as taxpayers covered the £100 million being spent on the Coronation amid a cost of living crisis. Questions over the value of the Monarchy are once again at the forefront of people’s minds
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev speaks with an expert and reviews the figures of spending
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May 05, 2023
Single currency for East Africa: 7 things you need to know
A single African currency for East Africa is targeted to be instituted by the African Central Bank by 2028 to create an ‘economic and monetary union’. Harbingers’ Magazine has created this explainer to outline the details of the plans
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev breaks down the economic implications
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April 21, 2023
The Economist’s surprisingly shallow attempt at cracking Gen-Z customers
The Economist’s analysis of young customers falls short of a genuine attempt to give a platform to Gen-Z. It feels like writers and editors have not taken the time to understand and embrace the complexity of the ‘new world of shopping’ they attempted to explain’
18 year-old Natasha Banga on the misaligned voice of youth
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March 09, 2023
The cost of living crisis: Financial impact on young people
The cost of living crisis has caused young people to be financially disadvantaged, with the ongoing situation set to deteriorate in the coming months
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev on the long-term economic consequences to youth
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March 03, 2023
The maths of the COVID-19 era. The pandemic told in four equations
A difference of R, as little as one, has dramatic effects on the number of those infected within a population which without intervention would continue to increase at a rapid rate thus resulting in increased numbers of deaths
17 year-old Grace Whitehouse uses her own calculations to explain COVID-19 with maths
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January 29, 2023
The Cost of Living Crisis: Concern over rise in abandoned pets
The cost of living crisis not only impacts individuals, but also rescue centres and the lives of volunteers, who are relied heavily on to keep centres running
Sofia Radysh investigates animal welfare during the UK cost of living crisis
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October 31, 2022
Cold Hard Cash or Change Agent? Charities and the For-Profit Revenue Model
In the world of charitable giving, profit is a dirty word. Most charities rely heavily on donations as their primary source of income. Charities and businesses are divided, not only by their aims, but their revenue streams. Yet, in the bustling city of Kathmandu, I came to question the conviction of this dichotomy
Dylan Yip on incorporating business practice into charity
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October 15, 2022
Zambia’s efforts to prevent famine and poverty with organic farming
Those at the Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) recognised the long list of problems arising from chemical farming, so the organisation changed to organic farming in the mid-1980s to promote a healthier, more sustainable way of living. The main focus of KATC’s work is to train farmers and government agents in the basics of organic farming.
17 year-old Maksymilian Sinczak on the efforts to promote sustainable agriculture in Zambia
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August 09, 2022
Are young people the biggest losers of the UK Conservative race?
Truss believes in spending today and paying it back later. From our young perspective, this benefits the Boomer Generation who will have lower income tax and soon go into retirement, whilst the working population of Millennials and Gen Z will have to pay the price
19 year-old Isaac Kadas explains how the Tory leadership race harms the future of those young today
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June 23, 2022
Invest in good mathematicians. Weapons of Math Destruction review
Ill-conceived algorithms are strengthening injustice, inequality and prejudice across law enforcement, education, labour, banking and housing.
Natasha Banga reviews Cathy O’Neil’s book
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June 22, 2022
Medicare for All: a debate
Seeing a million citizens die due to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with an economic crash and rising unemployment, just highlights the importance of the Medicare for All debate. Could this program transform our healthcare system for the better – or would it further harm our economy?
Dylan Yip lays out opposing stances on the Medicare for All debate in the United States.
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June 22, 2022
A thought-provoking experience. For better or worse. How to Blow Up a Pipeline review
In his 2020 book a leading Swedish climate activist since the 1990s condemns the nonviolent methods mobilised in the climate movement by claiming they only promote passivity—instead, offering us a historical argument, Malm persuasively argues for a more aggressive and confrontational approach.
Sophie Elliott reviews Andreas Malm’s How to Blow Up a Pipeline
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April 13, 2022
Farming on the battlefield. The reality behind Ukraine’s efforts to put food on our tables
Undoubtedly, the world hunger problem will be further exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With bombs landing in fields, farmers joining the military, fuel, seed, and fertilizer shortages, alongside the blocking of ports in the Black Sea by Russian fleets and mines, UNICEF expects the number of hungry children to double as a result of Putin’s war.
Sophie Abromaviciute on how the Russian aggression against Ukraine will result in global famine
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March 11, 2022
Not metaverse, but Apple’s privacy policy change drove Facebook’s devaluation
On February 3rd, Facebook’s stock price at NASDAQ declined by 26%. Over the last 6 months in total, it has amounted to a 46% price drop. Essentially, almost half of Facebook’s value has been erased within weeks. But why?
Ilya Kan explains the paradox behind Facebook’s plummeting stocks
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January 09, 2022
Fallout of the pandemic is the first time Gen Z experiences inflation
Boiled down to its essence, inflation is a process of rising prices - or, to be more precise, the devaluation of money. If inflation is at 5% (5.1% is the current level of inflation in the United Kingdom) prices are 5% higher than a year ago - so, on average, the same thing that used to cost £100 is now priced at about £105
Natasha Banga explains the economic phenomenon Gen Z has not yet had the chance to experience - and what The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street has to do with it.


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