March 17, 2023

Places in Tanzania worth visiting for their beauty

Lidya Gaspar in Mtae, Tanzania

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Lidya on a beach in Fish Eagle Point, Tanzania.

Picture from: Lidya Gaspar

In my different trips around Tanzania I have visited some worthwhile places, such as Fish Eagle Point and Mkomazi National Park.

Mkomazi National Park, located in northeastern Tanzania on the Kenyan border in the Kilimanjaro region and Tanga region, is a destination that is home to wildlife, including rhinos, African elephants, and 450 species of birds. It is a popular tourist spot which attracts thousands each year.1

In 2021, MamboViewPoint decided to give an offer to kids in the area to take them to the national park to see the animals. This was my first ever trip to the national park, and I was joined by five other students, a teacher, and a driver.


When we arrived, we were shown our rooms for sleeping and dining before climbing on a bus to go see the animals. We saw a variety of different animals such as elephants, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, waterbucks, different birds, and monkeys.

In Tanzania, we have different types of rhinos, which are small in number since they are often hunted for income. In our national parks these rhinos are very protected from the hunters, and you will have to pay a lot of money in order to see them. In Mkomazi they have black rhinos, which live in eastern and central Africa. Despite their name, black rhinos are not really black just darker.

Another beautiful environment I enjoyed is Fish Eagle Point, which is a hotel located in the Tanga region, a few kilometres to the Kenyan Border, where you can find beaches, a swimming pool, and cottages.2


Boat trip in Fish Eagle Point

Picture by: Lidya Gaspar

In August 2022, MamboViewPoint also offered to take a select group of kids to Fish Eagle Point for a trip. They took kids to two different villages in Usambara mountains known as Mtae an Mambo.

When we arrived on the first day, we were shown the tents where we were going to sleep and got the chance to look over the ocean in the evening. Afterwards, we had our dinner and went to sleep.

In the morning we took a shower, ate our breakfast, then put on our swimsuits and got ready to swim. We were so happy and played games, we climbed the boat and learned how to kayak. In fact, most of us learned how to swim in the ocean. Ending the day on a high, by sharing stories and discussing how much fun we had while looking at Mars in the sky.

Why wouldn’t you want to visit these places?

Written by:


Lidya Gaspar

Staff Writer

Mtae, Tanzania

Born in Dar Es Salaam in 2009, Lidya Gaspar graduated from Mtae Primary School in Tanzania. She speaks Swahili and English and plans to become a nurse or a doctor. She enjoys playing stick plays, singing, and studying. Her origins are in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, she has two brothers and two sisters. In Harbingers’ Magazine, Lydia Gaspar is a Staff Writer.




To learn more about Mkomazi National Park click here.


To learn more about Fish Eagle Point click here.


To learn more about Mkomazi National Park click here.


To learn more about Fish Eagle Point click here.