< society


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February 14, 2025
Danish youth dismayed by the government’s proposed education reforms
The Danish government announced changes last November to the country’s education system, which include creating a new type of high school for vocational courses, abolishing the optional extra year between middle school and high school, and stricter entry requirements for regular high school
17-year-old Varvara Tkachenko interviews Danish students about the new high school system
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February 07, 2025
Why Nepal needs to have a modern, up-to-date education system
In Nepal, the education system is structured into primary, secondary and higher education. In this age of new technologies, it still follows traditional methods of teaching and learning. Technology and skills are extremely critical for this generation, alongside education
14-year-old Samuna asks students and a teacher for their thoughts on Nepal’s education system
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January 24, 2025
Trump 2.0: Could Trump actually ban the Department of Education?
Trump’s remarks are deeply rooted in the Republican belief that the government has used the DOE as a tool for indoctrinating classrooms with “liberal ideologies”. Since winning the presidency in November, he’s promised to “cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children”
17-year-old Reva Sobti looks at what might happen to the US education system under Trump
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December 19, 2024
Best of 2024: Five must-read articles from the Society section
2024 has been a pretty chaotic year for us here on Earth. In each corner of our own little societies, whether you’re reading from Asia, the Americas, Europe and beyond, we’ve each had a lot on our plate (on top of your no doubt already busy lives, of course). We’ve seen multiple contentious elections, some excellent movies, the MET Gala, the many different perspectives of Gen Z and everything in between
18-year-old Christian Yeung shines a spotlight on his favourite Society articles from the past year
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December 12, 2024
‘I have an obligation, to speak for them’: My conversation with a Holocaust survivor
Growing up in the US as the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, it was hard to reconcile my Jewish identity with the lack of emphasis I felt was placed on the Holocaust. I didn’t see any remnants of the Holocaust, nor did I learn the history as thoroughly as countries that experienced the atrocities first-hand. As a kid, I didn’t really recognise the presence of antisemitism in my day-to-day life either
17-year-old Alia Saphier interviews a Holocaust survivor about her past, and antisemitism today
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November 29, 2024
Help me keep the voices of young Nepali journalists heard
For the past two years, I’ve coordinated Harbingers' Nepali Newsroom, working with 10 students from the Mountain Children’s Home in Dandagaun, Kathmandu. Aged between 11 and 18, these students gather twice weekly to learn journalism, alongside lessons in English, dancing and singing. Now, they need our support to keep their voices heard
17-year-old Jefferson He has set up a fundraiser to secure the future of Harbingers’ Nepali Newsroom
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November 29, 2024
Why we should lose the stigma around gap years
The first time I heard about gap years, I was around six years old. My dad often shared stories of his adventures travelling the world, meeting new people and gaining experiences during his gap year
17-year-old Anna Wilkin argues that gap years bring personal growth and academic success
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November 14, 2024
Teaching English to fellow Tanzanians has given me fulfilment
It was not until I started English classes in 2021 that I began to develop in confidence and speak more fluently
15 year-old Lidya Gasper shares her experience teaching and the importance of passing on knowledge
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October 24, 2024
Phone ban will not solve Hungary’s school problems
With Hungary’s new legislation implementing a complete ban on phones, students can no longer bring them onto campus. At the beginning of the day, we have to put them into individual lockers with the key held by the school administration. The only exemption are diabetes sufferers who need apps to moderate their blood sugar levels
15 year-old Lola Kadas critiques Hungary’s phone ban in schools and suggests alternative solutions
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October 10, 2024
How to stay sane during the college application process
The process of applying to university has been an incredibly stressful time for me. I have questioned my decisions and abilities, and struggled with time management. Thousands of people go through this process every year
17 year-old Maria Mitko shares her experience and gives advice on applying to college
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August 29, 2024
Why corporal punishment is still common in Sri Lankan schools
Corporal punishment of children as a means of discipline has been prohibited in Sri Lanka, but is still regularly used in schools, with the excuse that it is part of the country’s culture
15 year-old Hesandi explores the status of corporal punishment in Sri Lankan schools
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August 22, 2024
The highs and lows of attending an international school in Tanzania
Attending an international school in Tanzania has opened up a world of opportunities that has changed my life for the better. But this journey has also been challenging
15 year-old Lidya Gasper shares her experience of attending a private international school in Tanzania
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August 08, 2024
How can America learn from Netflix’s Sex Education?
The show's success and relevance is not just due to its own quality, it's also because American sex education is not as effective as it should be. A lack of comprehensive sex education doesn’t mean a more or less conservative new generation — it means a less educated one
16 year-old Sanjana Senthil explores the problems with sex education programs in the US
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August 06, 2024
How five overlooked female inventors changed our lives for the better
Women have made a significant impact on the world for hundreds of years. Their inventions may be widely known or used, from navigating us across the globe to saving time and lives. But do we know the faces of those behind them?
17-year-old Maria Mitko shares the stories of the women behind some of our world’s inventions that have helped change our lives for the better
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August 04, 2024
Schools should not start earlier than 9: Here is why
The idea of starting before 9 am might be justified from a traffic and energy savings perspective, but the benefits for the health and development of students far outweigh any potential disadvantages
15 year-old Olivier Stachowiak explains the correlation between early school start times and students’ well-being
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August 03, 2024
Does academic pressure prevent athletic passion?
Academics has long been deemed the most important factor in our development and future. We cannot let academic pressures prevent athletic passion for any longer. How was it possible that we students who played on the sport teams were faced with great pressure to excel academically before anything else
17 year-old Elias dives into how academic pressure affects young athletic dreams
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August 01, 2024
Forgotten herstory: five female scientists who changed the world
When I’m looking through my textbooks, I often see prominent male scientists described as ‘the father of.’ The same doesn’t go for women involved in discoveries, who are often hidden behind their male counterparts
17 year-old Ananya Prasanna shines a light on women in maths, palaeontology, chemistry and biology
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August 01, 2024
Against all odds: Afghan girls want to learn
The message is simple. Education for children is a fundamental right, and our gender should make no difference. Afghan girls are the strongest girls. Just let them improve and study. Allow them back into school
17 year-old Zohra shares the unwavering determination of Afghan girls to pursue their education
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July 31, 2024
Oxford University’s new quantum hub will connect ‘brilliant ideas and practical solutions’
QCI3 will be one of the five hubs that the UK Government has launched to develop quantum technologies and transform sectors like healthcare and security.” The market for quantum computing is a rapidly growing area in the UK, and it’s estimated to be worth $1.3tn by 2035
18 year-old Kasiet Dzholdoshbekova on the launch of quantum hubs in the UK enhancing students’ learning experience
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July 11, 2024
Are Americans normalising school shootings?
A voice comes over the speakers. Everyone knows where to go. It’s either a small closet, under the desks, or a boiler room, usually. We’re not supposed to talk, but people do, thinking this could never happen to us.
17 year-old Alia Saphier looks at possible solutions to the epidemic of gun violence in US schools
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June 27, 2024
Academic achievements do not define people
It is important to remember that arts-oriented subjects also require discipline and hard work. Simply because they require a different skill set to that of STEM subjects does not mean they should be overlooked
16 year-old Anna Wilkin explains why good grades aren’t the only way to measure success
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June 06, 2024
Attending a Catholic school opens a new perspective inside you
I’m an atheist who has spent four years studying at a Catholic school in the UK. That may sound like a nightmare, but believe me it has been a valuable experience
17 year-old Jefferson He reflects on his experience as an atheist in a Catholic school
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May 30, 2024
Can Gen Z use social media to learn?
While such platforms are often thought of as simply a waste of time and energy, I believe they can be used for much more than mindless scrolling through feeds – like learning
17 year-old Maria Mitko unlocks the potential of social media as an educational tool
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May 23, 2024
To be or not to be… an international student
Being an international student, attending different schools, seeing other countries and experiencing new environments gives you a lot of opportunities. You are able to find what you like and what you are good at, improve yourself and be prepared for the future
14 year-old Anastasia Kulikova explains the advantages of studying abroad
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May 16, 2024
Educational inequality in Australia: Is there a solution?
Australia’s selective school system was originally designed to provide free, high-quality education to gifted kids who couldn’t afford private schooling, but now it’s fuelling the education divide it sought to remedy
17 year-old Tanya Chi discusses the problems with selective schooling in New South Wales
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April 25, 2024
We are bored: Gifted students need challenge to thrive
Gifted and Talented programs have helped students worldwide to enrich their learning. MACC, the Vancouver school program which accelerated the pace of the standard curriculum, has now been redesigned to shorten the support provided to students
18 year-old Erin Walshaw talks about her experience as a gifted student in Vancouver – and the problems she faces
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February 16, 2024
Students and teachers fight back against the ‘library selection rubric’ in a Texas public school
Teachers and students in the school district have spoken out against the school board’s decision to filter the literature kept in classroom libraries after complaints from parents
16 year-old Sanjana Senthil explores book banning in the United States
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January 26, 2024
How higher education consulting agencies have a stronghold on college admissions
Getting into a top university is getting astronomically more competitive. With more students turning to college admission consultants for an increased chance of being admitted, the playing field is far from even
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang on the US university admissions system
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December 22, 2023
Helping hands - How Afghan girls are instrumental in providing education
Organisations such as LEARN have been helping girls get an underground education by providing online classes such as science and web design lessons. Through their help and kindness, the power to offer opportunities to others is then passed on into our hands
17 year-old Zohra on the inspiring goal of helping young people follow their dreams
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December 08, 2023
Don't just diversify the curriculum, decolonise it
The diversified curriculum does not challenge societal power structures which narrow the dominant perspective through which we view the world. It is imperative that we do not stop here
Sanaa Pasha on the diluted version of colonial history in education
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November 17, 2023
Afghan teenager opens kindergarten to help children “fly off into the horizons of tomorrow”
Shanhaza, at the age of 15, opened her own kindergarten ‘Fly’ to provide free care for infants to equip younger generations with education and opportunity.
17 year-old Shanhaza on her dreams and goals in providing education
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October 27, 2023
Market economy and school choice improve academic outcomes, so why don’t we learn from science?
Academic variation driven by wealth and access inequalities shapes the present of today’s students. The income gap between lower and upper-class families is one of the greatest predictors of academic outcomes
17 year-old Grace Minakowski was the runner-up for the Harbinger Prize in Economics
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August 12, 2023
Universal higher education should be free. Here’s why
Education should not be privileged and only available to those that can afford it but to everyone. Access to higher education is a necessity not only for people but also for our economy to continue developing
17 year-old Jakub Hejka evaluates the wealth divide in higher education
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August 11, 2023
This year’s A-Level students are experiencing their greatest fear
I believe that teachers play a major role in a students education. With teachers in the UK going on a series of strikes, it impacts both their GCSE and A-Level results
16 year-old Jefferson He on the unfair change in grade boundaries
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June 09, 2023
Should English Literature be replaced by Global Literature in schools?
In our increasingly diverse and globalized society, the Western canon seems not only restrictive but also exclusionary, calling into question whether the subject of English Literature should be replaced by Global Literature to best reflect the status quo at hand
Megan Lee considers the value behind teaching literature
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March 03, 2023
‘Girls go missing, schools are closed down, teachers persecuted’. Fight for education in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
Pashtana Dorani is the founder of an organisation running 'illegal' underground schools for girls in Afghanistan. She knows first-hand the struggles girls and those teaching them face since the US and their allies withdrew and the Taliban regained control of the country
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews Afghan human rights activist
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June 23, 2022
Invest in good mathematicians. Weapons of Math Destruction review
Ill-conceived algorithms are strengthening injustice, inequality and prejudice across law enforcement, education, labour, banking and housing.
Natasha Banga reviews Cathy O’Neil’s book
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October 21, 2021
At Ritsona Camp it has been three years since child refugee Leila was last inside a classroom
There is no reason for the refugee children in Europe to be denied an effective and equal education.
Polina Aksenenko and Parwana Amiri about the consequences of spending on walls instead of buses at Ritsona Camp in Greece.




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