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Picture by: Michael Galpert | Flickr

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Do I stand a chance to break the generational wealth gap and live the American Dream?

Abigail Gonzalez Zavala in North Carolina, United States

As I sit now, decades before my 50th birthday, I already find myself contemplating the personal experiences and wider socio-economic events that have shaped my life’s trajectory.

Born into a Mexican-American working-class immigrant family, my journey has been filled with challenges, aspirations, and an unyielding determination to transcend limitations and achieve the so-called “American Dream.” However, treading these waters has revealed the harsh reality of how our society is structured.

It often seems designed to perpetuate the gap between the affluent and the disadvantaged, setting an unwarranted precedent. And while this perspective is not new, it is a truth that paints an unwavering portrait of our societal landscape.

Looking back over the years, I see the fluctuation of ambition and determination that has carried me through my journey within an unequal system.

As a first-generation child of immigrants, I inherited a legacy of dreams and determination.

The stories of my parents’ journey, marked by economic constraints, serve as a silent backdrop to my aspirations.

Their courage formed a bridge across class divides, connecting the promise of the American Dream with the grit required to navigate it. Their sacrifices harmonized with my ambitions, creating a symphony that propelled me forward.

“Mis Domingos” directly translates to ‘my Sundays’ but stands for my allowance. My parents always encouraged me to save, though I was pressured by my peers in predominantly white, high-class schools to: dress like them; talk like them; walk like them; and even eat like them.

This allowance was a token of my parents’ sacrifices, an emblem of their relentless drive to provide me with opportunities they never had, a gateway to dreams that defied financial boundaries.

Growing up in the southern United States, in a small suburb, has undeniably left an indelible mark on my economic journey.

Amid the idyllic streets lined with pristine lawns and neatly manicured homes, I found myself questioning how I’d break the generational wealth gap and live the American Dream my parents wished me to have.

The cultural disparities between my background and the majority white community around me were palpable, fostering a sense of both uniqueness and at times, an unspoken divide.

While the picturesque façade of suburban life could be comforting, it also offered a reminder of the intersectionality of race, culture, and socio-economic status that shape the intricate tapestry of my life’s narrative.

The divide was clear, yet unspoken. The undercurrents of privilege and opportunity flowed distinctly between the lines, casting shadows that underscored the differences between my own experiences and those of my counterparts.

In a neighborhood where talk of college applications and career aspirations was casual conversation, I often found myself straddling the line between aspirations and limitations. The clash between my own journey and the glossy veneer of affluence around me was a constant undercurrent, a reminder that the road I traveled was distinct, yet often paralleled the aspirations of my peers.

Amidst these suburban streets, the notion of the American Dream took on a multifaceted complexion. My vision of the American Dream transcended the confines of suburbia.

It was a dream carved from my parents’ sacrifice, their hopes for a brighter future, and their resilience in the face of adversity. Yet, I was grappling with the complexities of this dream as I questioned whether it truly aligned with the narrative I was enveloped in.

Was it really my American Dream to live between the subsidies and the manufactured homes?

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  • Picture by sam.romilly | Flickr

    Picture by: sam.romilly | Flickr

  • The reality of socioeconomic disparities became a counterpoint to the American Dream that was often portrayed.

    The notion of prosperity and upward mobility, while attainable, seemed to come with an asterisk as I witnessed the nuanced intersections of race and class play out against the backdrop of my suburban town. It became a personal reckoning, a dialogue between the dreams I inherited and the context in which they were unfolding.

    Navigating these complex currents, I have learned to transcend the precedents of circumstances and limitations set to rich the rich and the poor the poor.

    The stories woven into my story are not just those of disparity, but also of resilience and determination. The echoes of my parents’ journey and the challenges I faced within these experiences have molded me into an individual who cherishes the nuances of diversity and the strength that arises from adversity.

    As I approach my 50th birthday, I stand not only as a product of my experiences but as a testament to the ability to overcome the odds and chart a course toward a future shaped by choice, ambition, a deep-rooted understanding of my multifaceted, and (hopefully) economically stable American Dream.

    As I stand here now, still far from the age I contemplate, I recognize that my journey through this economic terrain is a continuum—a continuum that binds us all in our shared pursuit of a more just and harmonious world.

    Written by:


    Abigail Gonzalez Zavala


    North Carolina, United States

    Born in 2006, Abigail (Abby) Gonzalez Zavala is a Mexican-American from North Carolina, passionate about DEIA, intersectionality, economic equity, and theater. She plans to study economics and film after high school to bridge economics and art to enhance arts diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

    Abby also advocates for underrepresented voices, she organizes workshops and forums to foster respectful and productive conversations on prevalent topics. Her endeavors in film direction and advocacy intertwine as she channels her energy into amplifying marginalized narratives and challenging disparities.

    Through her multifaceted dedication, Abby strives to harmonize the artistic landscape, creating a space where every voice is heard and celebrated!

    Edited by:


    Timur Boranbayev

    Economics Section Editor

    London, United Kingdom


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